Get listed your Product or Service in Consumers choice by advertising using Innovative and Advance ways, Perfect & Cost effective approach, Key-time driven methods, and adaptable channels of advertisement in your Marketing strategies. Unique, customised and fascinating tactics to publicize new customers and retentive existing ones.Join us Today !
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Benefits of Video-Ad vs Print-Ad
Friday, November 15, 2013
Focus your Uniqueness in Advertising
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Convert your unsuccessful campaign to Successful one!
“Referral” phenomena consideration in Advertising
You must be aware and very well taken what means “Referral”. It’s one type of direct endorsement for the product by someone we know or by someone we like to “follow”! If anyone need to promote product to the Youth, then keep in mind what they tend to follow. Of course they are more friendly in behavior, more allow stack of others when they behave in “Group” or “Circle”. Even “Youth icon” plays major attraction and they like to follow what their icon follows. This is like “Status check” and common behavior which called “Well Versed” with current affairs. This is used in daily routine product or where product has more competition in the market. Generally it’s not case with “Niche” product where following not important, but passion of “want to be a Early bird”.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Formated Consumer Desires and Non-Formated Consumer Desires
In last blog we talked about desires and mind set when some desires are generated in consumers' mind. There many types of desires for product or service related, having, using, buying, to gift, to get gift etc. Here in simple words I wil tell them in two types "Formated desires" and "Non-Formated desires". Now you would ask again how to differenciate? Look, when something is planned and some timeline attached (with budget or without budget) then we can tell those desires as Formated desires. Because there is a pattern (similar pattern in other consumers or common consumer groups). This desires are connected to some moments of life, occassion, events like that. Now look other side where some demands are due to special inner force (ego, prestige, promise, publicity, commitment etc) related to personality and unique behaviour. These desires are not common in general and are not attached to any fixed timeline or season. These are Non-formated desires.
Timing of Advertising is Equally Important as the Message !
Friday, October 4, 2013
Most reliable approach of engagement is "by Feedback"
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Add cutting edge to your efforts...
Socially Engage - a new approach !
Yes friend, you got it right. Socially engage with customers by all means. Promote your products in every social occasion of the customer. Communicate the message that your product or service is as important as the event and especially adding more joy in the event. Then customer expect little bit more, and that is the ”Social Customization” of your product. Also on every occassion, event or celebration you should communicate before and after about how your product will add a new dimension of happiness in the occassion. Message, email, verbal, audio video, Print media are the channels of communication
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Engage with your customers ”Socially” ...
Monday, September 16, 2013
How to ENGAGE with your "CUSTOMERS"..
Read and view examples on our blog !
Hi friend, how is your business doing? Must be better! So far you must have read here about how to read custommers' demand, their thinking and our aim. Now onwards read with video post, picture post and audio post to understand better the concept and learning. I will try to provide video here with original source/reference (in case of it's available to me) without editing original content. Our aim to read/watch/learn successful examples here at one place. So keep reading and enriching your mind to attract more customer, more business. Have a good day!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Make them happy, may force come from their inside...
Friday, September 13, 2013
Teach them and you will lesson everytime
Probably it's somewhat different than selling. You have to educate the buyer, by elaborating possibility of fulfilling his requirement. Quality of your product or service is not what you spoke but it's that what the buyer listen. So most innovative and impressive way is to tell something which is related to product or service and the buyer may get benifit out of it. It may the potential or inherent benifits or personality related or social or monetary or some special to individuals which he (buyer) will listen. By this way indirecly you are engaging him with the product or service you offer and hence stepping further to make him your 'Customer' !!